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Paras Ilmajousijalka Land Rover BWI RPD501120 ⏩ Ilmajoustintuki
  • Paras Ilmajousijalka Land Rover BWI RPD501120 ⏩ Ilmajoustintuki

Ilmajousijalka Land Rover BWI RPD501120

595 $
446 $ Säästä 25%
Sisältää alv:n Available for immediate delivery from our warehouse in Stockholm

Original BWI Air Suspension Strut - Made in GB


As well as controlling the movement of suspension and springs, shock absorbers keep your tyres connected to the ground whilst stationary and in motion. The shock absorbs kinetic energy and transfers it to another form, usually heat, before dissipating it.

OE: RPD501040X, RPD501120X, LR016420X

Range Rover Sport L3

All 3.6L TDV8 diesel models to (VIN) 9A999999

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