Air Suspension valve block porsche Macan - Made in Germany
This control valve block 7P0616014, 9A7616014 for the air suspension of the Porsche Macan comes from the same production line as the original Porsche valve.
Luftfjädring24.se is the only place where you can get this Made in Germany Air Suspension Control Valve with the same OEM quality & specifications.
If you don't want to compromise on quality & reliability, then Luftfjädring24.se is your only aftermarket source for quality and reliable Air Suspension Control Valves.
In your vehicle the integration of Air Suspension Systems, regulated damping, roll stabilization and other active suspension systems is becoming increasingly important.
Pneumatic and hydraulic valves are in use at key points of the chassis and ensure a smooth operation.
Can be installed in the following vehicles:
Porsche Macan (95B) 2014-
Original spare part number OE:
7P0616014, 9A7-616-014, 9A7616014
Continental OES:
15.1524-0027.2, 15152400272
Original OEM RAPA valve
Important information:
Before using your old pressure hose, cut 5mm with the supplied hose cutter tool.
Use only the new connector that is already on the spare part. Push the presssure hose as far as it will go.
This will ensure a perfect seal.
Important information:
Before using your old pressure hose, cut 5mm with a supplied hose cutter tool.
Use only the new connector that is already on the spare part. Push the presssure hose as far as it will go.
This will ensure a perfect seal.
The vehicle suspension system is based on a combination of electronic level control and nitrogen 5 or CO2 filled air springs.
After replacement of any spare parts, such as compressor, air spring, valve and / or strut, the output pressure in the system MUST have 17 bar.
A compressor can only partially compensate for the pressure difference.
You MUST follow the appropriate car manufacturer's installation instructions.
If the appropriate car manufacturer's installation instructions and specifications are not followed correctly, your system will continue to show errors or will malfunction.
If our parts are damaged in the process if will void any warranty or guarantee.
Normally the complete emptying of the system is required under car manufacturer's installation instructions .
After replacement of the corresponding spare part, the system MUST be recharged with CO2 or nitrogen 5 in accordance with the requirements of the car manufacturer.
This can only be done with appropriate software and appropriate special tools.
After this procedure, you can start further steps, such as calibration of the vehicle's suspension leveling control system.